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Adoptees-UKIE Homepage

Adoptees-UKIE (UK and Republic of Ireland Adoptees mailing list)

Adoptees-UKIE was started in 1997 by 3 adoptees with a UK connection to help adoptees and birth-parents who are living or searching in the UK and the Republic of Ireland with their search, and also so that they could exchange ideas, search techniques and experiences.

The whole thing is run on a voluntary basis, the three founders sharing the initial cost of setting up the list. Confidentiality within the group, and courtesy towards other members is expected and maintained, so you need not fear that your secret will be divulged without your consent, or that you be flamed for asking a 'stupid' question. The list is 'closed' (only members can submit postings) so you need not worry about receiving 'spam' mail. If you wish, you can subscribe anonymously , which means that only the computer and the two people with administration rights to the mailing list can find out you are a member.

The mailing list periodically issues a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and a 'useful information' document for UK and Eire searches; a UK search guide is being prepared. The list administrator also maintains a library of useful documents and forms that members can request. As a result of the list several successful re-unions have taken pl ace. If you would like to join the list send an email to the listserver (listserv@listserver.pipemedia.net) containing the message 'subscribe adoptees-ukie' followed by the name you prefer to be known by. Alternatively send an email to howardw.maygate@pipemedia.co.uk asking to be added to the list.

General Information - for potential list members

FAQ - Searchers Frequently Asked Questions

Useful information for UK and Irish Adoptees

Search Guide

Resources available from Adoptees-UKIE members

Electronic Documents (Word documents and text)

  • Channel Island & Isle of Man contacts
  • Eire contacts
  • Family Care leaflet
  • N.I. overseas counselling contacts
  • Sample contact letter
  • AdOPT adoption details registration form (NI search charity)
  • AdOPT membership form
  • AdOPT letter
  • Norcap leaflet
  • FRC leaflet
  • The Shea guides to searching in N. America
  • Unitarian and Adoptee
  • Searching for truth and Keith Clark (Halifax, Nova Scotia)

  • The Adoptees-UKIE Mailing List is ran by:

    Martin Burns martin@easyweb.co.uk
    Jackie Lockwood owfish@inland.net
    Howard Wilkins howardw.maygate@pipemedia.co.uk

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