--> Downloaded from www.lookupuk.com <-- Useful information for UK and Irish adoptees To find out your original birth name if you were adopted in England or Wales contact: The Registrar General The Office of Population Censuses and Surveys The General Register Office Adoptions Section Smedley Hydro Trafalgar Road, Birkdale Southport PR8 2HH 44 (0) 151 471 4200 and ask for access to your original birth records (you will be sent a form to complete and return. The service is free but you may be required to be counselled by a social worker. They publish the following leaflets ACR1 GRO - Tracing records of births, marriages and deaths ACR99 GRO - Information for adopted people and their relatives ACR100 Access to birth records - Information for adopted people living in the UK ACR101 Access to birth records - Information for adopted people living outside the UK ACR110 The adopted contact register - information for adopted people and their relatives ACR114 Access to birth records - counselling organisations outside the UK For access to your original birth records in Scotland contact The Registrar General New Register House Edinburgh EH1 3YT 44 (0) 131 334 0380 In Northern Ireland contact The Registrar General Oxford House 49/55 Chichester Street Belfast BT1 4HL 44 (0) 1232 250000 All the above addresses can supply birth marriage and death certificates by post. They also publish their own versions of the leaflets AC1 etc. listed under England and Wales. In the Republic of Ireland contact The Registrar General Joyce House 8/11 Lombard Street East Dublin 2 35 31 6711863 In London you can apply in person for birth, death, marriage and adoption certificates at The Public Search Room The Family Records Centre 1 Myddleton Street London EC1R 1UW Phone 0181-392-5300 Web page http://www.open.gov.uk/pro/prohome.htm The Family Records Centre also has a bookshop and a computer link to Edinburgh. They are open 9-5 Mon, Wed, Fri 10-7 Tue 9-7 Thu 9:30-5 Sat Recommended professional searchers Gwen Richardson 7 Okeford Road, Broadstone, Dorset BH18 8PA Phone & Fax 01202 693102 Gwen has her own copy of the English and Welsh indexes of births, deaths, and marriages. She operates two services; Searchline for adoptees and NameSearch for birthparents; she also a runs a contact register. Susan.Vanstone@Virgin.Net Co-ordinator for "The Research Network" The Research Network Homepage: http://freespace.virgin.net/susan.vanstone/ Search Charities Please get details of your original birth records before contacting any of the following search charities Norcap 112 Church Road, Wheatley, Oxfordshire OX33 1LU Notes: Norcap publishes a search guide for members. Do not try to phone or fax Norcap as the lines are very busy and the office is only manned part-time. Search PO Box 1947 Leigh-on-Sea Essex SS9 4EJ Birth Link Family Care 21 Castle Street Edinburgh EH2 3DN Telephone 0131-225-6441 Email: famcare@hotmail.com Ad.O.P.T. The Peskett Centre 2/2a Windsor Rd. Belfast BT9 7FQ Telephone 01232-382353 TRACE (Transatlantic Children^Òs Enterprise) 11 St Tewdric's Place, Mathern, Near Chepstow, Gwent NP6 6JW, Wales Useful addresses and phone numbers General Register Office for Scotland Adoption Unit New Register House Edinburgh EH1 3YT 0131-314-4443 Scottish Records Office General Register House Edinburgh EH1 3VV 0131-556-6585 Ext. 1395 Public Record Office Kew Richmond Surrey TW9 4DU Phone 0181-878-8289 Contact: Miss A. Crawford The Society of Genealogists 14 Charterhouse Buildings London EC1M 7BA Specialist Adoption Counselling Agencies BirthLink Family Care 21 Castle Street Edinburgh EH23DN 0131-225-6441 Barnardos Scottish Adoption Advice Service 16 Sandyford Place Glasgow G3 7NB 0141-339-0772 Other Voluntary Agencies who may provide Adoption Counselling in respect of placements made by their Agency St Margaret of Scotland Adoption Society 274 Bath Street Glasgow G2 4JR 0141-332-8371 St Andrew's Children's Society Ltd Gillis Centre 113 Whitehouse Loan Edinburgh EH9 1BB 0131-452-8248 Scottish Adoption Association Ltd 2 Commercial Street Edinburgh EH6 63A 0131-553-5060 Internet discussion groups ADOPTEES-UKIE Subscription Address: LISTSERV@LISTSERVER.PIPEMEDIA.NET Description: The adoptees-ukie mailing list is a forum for discussion among adult adoptees either living in or searching in the UK or Eire of any topic related to adoption. It is not intended to be a general discussion forum for adoption among non-adoptees. To subscribe, mail to listserv@listserver.pipemedia.net with "subscribe adoptees-ukie first name second name" in the body of the text. ADOPTEES Subscription Address: ADOPTEES-REQUEST@UCSD.EDU Description: The adoptees mailing list is a forum for discussion among adult adoptees of any topic related to adoption. It is not intended to be a general discussion forum for adoption among non-adoptees. To subscribe, mail to adoptees-request@ucsd.edu with "subscribe [address] adoptees" in the body of the text. GENUKI-L GENUKI-L@APPLE.EASE.LSOFT.COM UK and Ireland Genealogy Discussion List ROOTS-L Subscription Address: LISTSERV@MAIL.EWORLD.COM Description: This list is for the discussion of genealogy-related issues, including tools, techniques, and requests for information on genealogical research. The list may also be helpful in doing the research by sharing information on specific ancestors co-operative research, (See also soc.roots on USENET/NETNEWS news). Monthly public notebooks are kept. ROOTS-L Contact: roots-l-request@rootsweb.com Purpose: ROOTS-L is a discussion list where those who have interest in Genealogy may communicate via Email messages in hopes of finding more family history information. http://www.rootsweb.com/roots-l/ To subscribe, send email to roots-l-request@rootsweb.com and in the body of the message, put subscribe FreeBMD Free Birth, Marriage, Death look-up project mailing list Contact address FreeBMD-Admins-L-request@rootsweb.com Usenet groups soc.adoption.adoptees Discussion of adoption by adoptees. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.computing Genealogical computing & net resources. soc.genealogy.methods Genealogical methods and resources. (Moderated) soc.genealogy.misc General genealogical discussions. soc.genealogy.uk+ireland Genealogy of Britain, Ireland & offshore isles. Web pages UK births, deaths and marriages http://web.ukonline.co.uk/graham.pitt/bdm/contents.htm Irish births deaths and marriages http://www.doh.ie/consumer/infoguid/regbmd.htm http://www.murnane.org/igilim.htm http://www.adoptees.org Scottish database for obituaries - and coming soon will be births and marriages. http://www.scotsman.com http://www.netwales.co.uk/gentrace/home.htm FreeBMD http://www.cs.ncl.ac.uk/genuki/StCathsTranscriptions/ Family History Research Register http://www.symbcon.co.uk/fhistory Irish Family Connections http://www.city2000.com/sh/family.html http://members.aol.com/COD18460/IRISHADOPTEES.html UK and Ireland Genealogy http://cs6400.mcc.ac.uk/genuki/ Searching in Ireland http://www.csfit.edu/~steed/ http://box.argonet.co.uk/users/adopt/ UK Genealogy http://www.aha.ndirect.co.uk http://www.wwide.co.uk/backtoroots http://www.j15.co.uk/4corners/ UK names and addresses http://www.lookupuk.com http://www.192.com Scottish information UK/European information http://www.euroferret.com http://www.muscat.com http://www.excite.co.uk http://www.lycos.co.uk http://www.searchuk.com http://www.yahoo.co.uk http://www.yell.co.uk http://www.ukdirectory.co.uk http://www.ukindex.co.uk http://www.ancestry.com Missing Persons http://www.lookupuk.com http://www.naggies.demon.co.uk/Missing_UK/index.html http://www.netsalesuk.co.uk/missing-you/ Search database http://www.homeusers.breathe.co.uk/lordy/ Government departments http://www.dss.gov.uk http://www.inlandrevenue.gov.uk Resources available from Adoptees-UKIE members Howard Phonebase (UK phone numbers) Access to Family Research Centre in London (English and Welsh certificates) A list of all English/Welsh registration districts A list of all UK telephone directories Name and address lookup via 'i-cd' cd-rom version 2 (same as www.192.com but can be searched on surname alone) Works next to a library Electronic Documents (Word documents and text) This document Channel Island & Isle of Man contacts Eire contacts Family Care leaflet N.I. overseas counselling contacts Sample contact letter AdOPT adoption details registration form (NI search charity) AdOPT membership form AdOPT letter Norcap leaflet FRC leaflet The Shea guides to searching in N. 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