Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #1072

Board Name: England
Chatham, UK Feb 08, 2000

The first time I used these pages I had such a quick response and success story I thought i'd try the impossible. Can anyone help me???? I am looking for my cousins. A boy/man and girl/woman. First names Bjorn and Martine. Their mother Valerie left their father Kristian (my uncle) in the early/mid seventies. They moved first to Mold in/near Wales and then Valerie at least moved to London. Contact was made difficult by Valerie and my cousins were only about 11 and 13 at the time they left. They would be about 31 (Bjorn) and 29 (Martine) by now. Martine had a family nickname (Boo). We think their mother changed/used a different surname once they moved because any searches using the surname Helgesen have proved fruitless. Did you know Bjorn/Martine? Did you go to school with them? What were they calling themselves? Bjorn had dark blond/red curly hair and glasses, Martine was dark blond/fair. Their father (my uncle)has just about given up on ever finding them again and it's very sad. Anyone with any information, hints, tips, suggestions on how I might search please email me. Thankyou.

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