Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #10968

Board Name: England
Sue East Haven, CT USA Dec 21, 2001
Hi. I am from the US and I'm looking to catch up with a penpal that I had in the early 60's. She was from Romford, Essex England; she had a rather large family and I can remember that all of her siblings (and she) had names that started with a "P". I just remembered her name was Pauline Jaggs. She married Paul Wilks in the late 60's or early 70's; and she had one child by the name of Tina. I would appreciate any information on Pauline OR if someone could possibly let her know that I am trying to make contact with Pauline. I would love to see how she and her family are doing after all these years. We lost touch sometime during the Viet Nam era. Thanks to all who can assist!
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