Lookupuk.com - England (Adoption Related) Board
Message #15480

Board Name: England (Adoption Related)
Martin Richard Jones UK Jan 27, 2001
I was born on 25TH MARCH,1970 and weighed 7lbs. 9ozs. I was given the name DAVID. I was born in LEEDS. My mother was single, aged 17 and was called SUSAN PARKER. I was given to a foster mother pending adoption. SUSAN PARKER had one sister and five brothers. At the time, her father was aged 38 and was a DEMOLITION WORKER. Her mother was 37 and a HOUSEWIFE. SUSAN'S hobbies were reading, sewing and dancing. At the time, she was employed as a shop assistant. I was given up to the YORK ADOPTION SOCIETY.

My adoptive parents have been fantastic, but since the sudden death of my father four years ago, I feel empty. I just need to know about my past.

If anyone can be of any help at all in the search please contact me via e-mail - martin.jones99@virgin.net

Martin Jones (born DAVID PARKER)
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