Lookupuk.com - England (Adoption Related) Board
Message #18183

Board Name: England (Adoption Related)
P.G. Toronto, On Canada Nov 24, 2001
SEARCHING FOR BIRTH RELATIVES: I was Born August 21, 1969. Birth Mother born in England, Birth Father born in Italy. They dated each other in England and then both came to Toronto, Canada during the late 1960's where I was born at St. Michael's Hospital. Birth Father worked as a hair stylist, birth mother worked for a law firm in downtown Toronto. She had blond hair and greenish eyes. He had a darker complextion and dark hair. I might have been given the birth name of Anthony - not certain. If any of this sounds familiar, please email. All inquires will be handled seriously and delicately. Thank you and good luck to everybody who is searching for those they care about.
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