Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #258

Board Name: England
Ruth Martzke Toledo, OH USA Sep 24, 1999

Searching for GEORGE COOK who had a son JOHN COOK born ca. 1805-1810 maybe Buckinghamshire. Married SOPHIA WADHAM 15 April 1838.In 1838 thdsey lived at 32 Edward St. Limehouse, Middlesex.

Sophia Wadham was the daughter of JOHN WADHAM, a glass blower & wife, Esther ?

John & Sophia Cook had issue:

GEORGE WILLIAM COOK born 13 March 1840 Limehouse. He married Ann Roots and had a son, John William Cook they came to USA, in 1874.

2. HENRY COOK born 10 July bapt. 13-9-1850 St. Dunstan's

3. CHARLES COOK born 31 August 1844 bapt. 13-9-1850

4.SARAH COOK born 1846

5. JOHN COOK born 14 Feb. 1849 this date from St. Dunstan's Church, birth certifcate is 22 Feb. 1849.

Any help appreciated

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