Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #2865

Board Name: England
London, UK Nov 21, 2000

I am looking for an ALAN JOHN TOWNER who was born around Thanet in 1939

His mother was Ivy Verrion and his grandmother Ada Verrion (nee Harpum)

When he was 13 his grandmother died and from a copy of her will I note that his mother had also died

I do not know what happened to him from then on but we have a picture of him when he was about 7 or 8 with his grandmother

We also have a picture of him playing in a bath tub when he was very small

My great grandmother(Annie Charlotte Fletcher - nee Harpum) was his mothers cousin

My grandfather tried to get in contact with him before he died in 1993 and my mum is still trying

I would love to find ALAN JOHN TOWNER

CAN ANYONE HELP?? Please email me with any clues

Thanks Sarah

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