Lookupuk.com - Scotland Genealogy Board
Message #30453

Board Name: Scotland Genealogy
martha alexander chesapeake, va US Mar 23, 2002
Researching my Spurlock/Hotchkiss Scottish roots. Have traced Hotchkiss line back to Cornelius Hotchkis b. 1795 Stirlingshire, d. 1872 Stirlingshire, m. Rebecca Simpson on November 11, 1828 Larbert, Stirlingshire. Died May 6 1872 in Carronshore. His father's name is possibly Edward, have no more info after that. There are a number of Edwards and Corneliuses in the area at that time so it gets confusing.

Also tracing my Spurlock roots, have gotten as far back as a Charles Wesley Spurlock, Seior, b. Oct. 2, 1856 in Platte Co., Missouri. Can't trace back farther but know the family came over from Scotland some time before then.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
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