Lookupuk.com - Wales Board
Message #30969

Board Name: Wales
Jackie Jackson adelaide, sa australia Sep 17, 2000
Need help trying to locate Richard Johns,would now be aged 50. He was born in Wales, child of Ken and Naomi, older brother of Andrew. He was a radio operator in the Royal Navy based in Singapore in 1970-1971. He returned to UK late 1971. Lost contact with him mid 1972, his parents live in Tyllwynn, Ebbw Vale. He is aware that he became a father in 1972, but he has never made any contact with that child. His daughter Leonie is now desperately wanting to locate her dad and try to have some sort of relationship with him. She has afamily of her own now, two young daughters aged 7 and 4. She wants her dad to meet his grandchildren and give them a chance to know Leonie's background. Her mother has tried many avenues to locate Richard only to hit walls of silence. Please, please give Leonie peace of mind, she wants to know that her dad has thought about her in the past 28 years and that maybe she has siblings that would like to know about her existence. Contact me on Adelaide, Australia 08 82983450, or send an email message to jjackson@picknowl.com.au and I will forward any messages to Leonie immediately. No cranks please, this is too emotional for her to be messed around with.
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