Lookupuk.com - Wales Board
Message #31005

Board Name: Wales
Patty Grove, Ok U.S.A. Jul 11, 2000
I have searched for PAT GARDNER and her son MICHEAL FOSTER for 27 years! Recently, I decided to try the web. Pat Gardner and I were best friends. I moved, she moved and moved again and in one month they have been lost all these years. I last saw them in Wichita, Kansas. I have carried Michael's grade school picture in my billfold all these years. He called us Uncle Maurice and Aunt Patty.
A little over a year ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and when I heard the bad news, one of the things I told my husband was that I had not found Pat and Michael.
Pat's mother and stepfather are SYD and EDNA MERCHANT, 2 Boss Gate Close, Staffs, Wombourne, England. But, they too have moved from that address. (At one time we wrote back and forth some.)
I would be forever grateful to anyone knowing the whereabouts of any of these four people. Please contact me at patty@gcinet.net. I cannot rest until I know that my friend and her son are ok.
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