Lookupuk.com - Wales (Adoption Related) Board
Message #31306

Board Name: Wales (Adoption Related)
Suzanne united kingdom Oct 28, 1999
My friend Mrs Roz Callum who was adopted at the age of 7 years, is
for her birth mother, Mrs Marjori Ware or any relative of Mrs Ware.

The information Mrs Roz Callum has about her birth mother is as follows:
Surname and Christian at birth : "Crate, Marjori"
The last known name of the person: "Mrs Marjori Ware".
Her age or date of Birth: "Unknown"
Her last known address: " 15 Margaret Place , Dorchester, Dorset, United
Follows are some info that may help.
Mrs Roz Callum was born on Dec 17th 1949 to Miss Marjori Crate out of wed
lock. Miss Marjori Crate later became Mrs Ware.
According to Mrs Roz Callum's birth Certificate , it states that Miss
Marjori Crate address at the time was " 6 Southwestern Cottage,
Dorchester Dorset, United Kingdom" where Miss
Marjori Crate lived with her mother.
The father's name on the Birth certificate is Mr. Greedman (initials
Miss Marjori Crate married Mr Colin Ware in 1953 and became Mrs M. Ware.
Mr & Mrs Ware later had two children.
The Children's names, ages and gender are not known to Mrs. Roz Callum.

Mrs Roz Callum was looked after by the Salvation Army in "Dunmore
Salvation Army, Bradnich, Compton, Devon" where she was later adopted by
Mr & Mrs Carter.

This are all the information Mrs. Roz Callum currently posses about her
natural mother and hopes that this may be sufficient to help locate her
Mother or any of her mother's family.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated .


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