Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #3242

Board Name: England
Doris Guarino USA Oct 18, 1999
I am searching for any information on my grandfather's family. Grandfathger's name was Matthew William Baldwin
, born around 1866 in London, Eng. Having rec'd some info about him just lately, he was a soloist with the Westminister Abbey Choir of 2000 Voices,when he was nine.
He also became an opera singer and when he was 21 left for the states. He played cello for the Boston Synphony for 4 years and then settled in Sioux City, Iowa, became the livestock commissioner and
and was a Master Mason. I am trying to get info on his parents and/or brothers and sisters. I have no info about the family except that his father may also have been named Matthew and they lived in London.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Doris Guarino annieg27@ix.netcom.com
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