Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #349

Board Name: England
D. Walters Canada Aug 04, 1999


I live in British Columbia, Canada.

I am looking for people

with the last name of Sales that may be

related to me via my mother.

My mothers maiden name was Sales,

she was born in Vancouver, BC Canada.

Her father's name was Thomas Herbert Sales, he passed

away in the late 1930's.

Thomas Herbert Sales immigrated in the late

1890's from Oxted, Surrey, UK.

I have been told that his mother's maiden name was

Bish or Biss the exact spelling is unknown.

Thomas Sales married my maternal

grandmother whose name was Azalea Barbara

in the early 1920's. and they had two other children,

Ronald and Neva (she passed away at the

age of 5 from Black Diphtheria).

Thomas Sales served in the Canadian

Armed forces and was inducted in 1913. His profession was that of a Butcher. At that time he was married to a different woman than my grandmother and was living in Saskatchewan, Canada, it is believed he had a daughter

from that marriage named Shirley.

If these people are on your family tree, or if you know of other people researching the last name Sales please let me know.

Thank you


D. Walters


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