Lookupuk.com - Ireland Genealogy Board
Message #34994

Board Name: Ireland Genealogy
Richard Curran Marietta, GA USA Feb 08, 2001
I am looking for information on my gr-gr-granfather, Benjamin Franklin born in Carlow, Ireland about 1825.He had a brother, Peter, and a sister, Ann. He left Ireland to work in County Durham,England, where he married Sarah McRea(McRee), daughter of Nathan McRea(McRee) and Barbara McReen. Benjamin and Sarah had the following children: Evangeline, Nathan, Thomas, Edward Byrd, Luke, Sarah Barbara (my gr-grandmother), Ephriam, and Septimus Harrison. Benjamin, Sarah, Luke, Edward, and Sarah Barbara came to the USA in the early 1880's. Both Benjamin and Sarah died in Columbiana Co.,Ohio. Sarah Barbara married John Leslie Curran in Columbiana, Co. Ohio, in 1884. Any help on thes people would be greatly appreciated. You may email me at rcurren@flashcom.net. Thank you for your consideration of this family matter.
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