Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #3642

Board Name: England
Marco Mueller Frankfurt, Germany Jan 12, 2000
My name's Marco and I'm searching for an about 28-yr-old woman called RACHEL GARLAND OR RACHEL GLEAVES, Nickname

In summer 1996 (maybe for a few years ago, too) she lived in the german city OSNABRUECK. (Remember, the IRA-Bomb on 28th
Juny '96.) On UK-Holidays she wrote me a post-card from PETERLEE and told me something about a grandma in LYNEHAM, and
she had to go back to UK. - Sorry, these are only the facts I have, but I'll be very, very glad for any info to find this girl! Thank you in
advance. Please mail in English or German to: jour@jour.de

PS: Sorry for my bad English.
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