Lookupuk.com - England (Adoption Related) Board
Message #39310

Board Name: England (Adoption Related)
Lesley Greenlaw (nee Smith) formerly Reading, Berks - now Canada Jul 04, 2002
IS NOVEMBER 4, 1970 your date of birth and you are a male? You might be Michael Ian Smith, my son whom I gave up for adoption. The final papers were signed on May 17, 1971 through Sevenoaks County Court. You are registered as MICHAEL IAN and my name is on your birth certificate as LESLEY ANN SMITH, with the address where I was living at the time of your birth. An awful lot of water has passed under the proverbial bridge, but I feel time is not on my side, now that I am 50! Things were different then, but I see things much clearly now! I hope and pray that you were loved and well cared for - I hope they told you about your adoption - I hope for a lot of things....I was looking at your photo yesterday (the only one I have of you). You were six months old - just after the final adoption I presume! Your file is with CHILDLINK in London. Any more info you need, contact me.
Love your birth Mother, Lesley
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