Lookupuk.com - Ireland Board
Message #40167

Board Name: Ireland
D. Johnson Canada Jul 25, 2002
I have been trying to locate my mother's family. Her name was Ellen Theresa Murphy. She was born in Cahir to John and Ellen Murphy. D.O.B. October 17,1929 and baptised at St. Ann's. Her father worked at the Post Office. She had two brothers (one named Patty) and a sister named Ann ( I think). Her mother died when she was young. She moved to canada in 1954-55. She married Leaonard Paquette and settled in Sarnia Ontario, Canada.
I don't know if any of her family are still alive. If anyone who reads this knows any Murphy's please ask them to check with all of their relatives. I would really love to know the rest of my family. Thank you.
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