Lookupuk.com - England (Adoption Related) Board
Message #40959

Board Name: England (Adoption Related)
debby wilson UK Aug 24, 2002
Are there any birth mothers out there that have information on St Pelagia's Home for Penitent Girls/Sacred Heart Convent at 34 Westhill, Highgate, N.London? I am trying to gather information on this establishment in order to keep a list of the adoption agencies that they used in the early 1950's. The records are now kept at The Catholic Children’s Society (Westminster) but they appear to have used outside agencies to deal with the actual adoption process. It would seem that without the name of the actual adoption agency it is difficult or near on impossible to get the adoption records for children born to mothers who stayed there. Does any birth mum recall the name of the Agency they used? Has an adoptee got records that give names of Agencies being used for the girls that stayed at St Pelagias? All information will be treated in confidence, if you are a birth mother and you do not wish to be found then that decision will be respected. I would just like to know the names of the agencies that were arranging the adoption for these girls in order to help others.
My kindest regards
Debby Wilson

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