Lookupuk.com - England Genealogy Board
Message #43108

Board Name: England Genealogy
Dave N Astell England Nov 29, 2002
My father is Harold William ARBER. Born 1902 in London. Died 1954 in London. I never met him and know nothing of his life from 1930 to 1946. How can I find out if he was in the forces or homegaurd? He left the Merchant Navy in 1930 and was working for the American Red Cross in London in 1946. (Who say they have 'lost' the records of his service.) For the last eleven months of his life he was a 'Motor Mail Driver' in London for the GPO. I have tried the PRO and LMA, plus advertising in several family history magazines. But this part of his life remains a blank and I have not found anyone who knew him then. Any info, suggestions, or especially anyone who knew him, please E-mail me.
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