Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #44138

Board Name: England
Heather Meikle Chilliwack, BC, Canada Jan 21, 2003
I am trying to locate relatives in England. I was born in England in 1950 and came to Canada in 1953. My father was Frederick Haddock and mother Patricia Haddock. My father passed away when I was a young age and I know nothing of his family, except for a neice Sally Gilpin who used to be a dancer. My mother has now passed away and I am trying to locate anyone who could help me find my neice Sally who also has a sister Leslie. Last name unknown. As I am an only child these are my only relatives that I know of. If anyone knows of them or other Haddocks (my father was from a family of 14) I would very much like to get in touch with them.
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