Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #44733

Board Name: England
dawn usa Feb 25, 2003
I would like to know if anyone out there can put me in the direction of a Mister Paul Wright.

He would most likely be early 40-ish, and is in
the properties businss.

He is divorced, and has 2 sons, one is named

I need to contact him in reference to a girl
called Karen.

He met her on the internet back in 2000,
and thinks he has been writing to her these past
few months, but it was not her, it was me, her roomate Dawn.

I thought it was crazy and dangerous that Karen was writing to a guy on the internet, so I did all I could to put a stop to it.

She actually wanted to meet this person in
person, which would have been wrong.
You never know exactly who it is on the other end of an e-mail, and caring for my friend as I do,
I could not let this happen.

I just wanted to let Paul know that he has not
really written to Karen for months, that it was me.

And over the months we had written, It became clear to me, that he was not a psycho internet
killer, but he seems like a decent guy, and I would just like to say sorry for all I had done.

The last letter you truely received from Karen
was back when she was going to take her first
flight over to London to meet you.

That is when I stepped in.

I wrote an e-mail to her from an address I set up, and told her it was your new address, and that your could not meet, and that all your internet
e-mailings were just a joke, that you never
intended on meeting her in the first place.

I know Karen's password, she uses the same password on everything, ( it is the name of a past love ), so it was easy getting into her
e-mail account.

And I began writing to Paul, as Karen.
And it seemed like he really wanted to meet her,

And I hate to say this, but I went as far as
writing to him as Karen, and telling him she would be coming to England, then standing him up each time

I figured this would turn him off her, and that would be that.

I've tried e-mailing Paul, but I am not sure if he has gotten these letters.

He may not choose to believe he had been duped, but he has, and I've got full proof.

I just want him to know I am sorry.
And Karen as well.

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