Lookupuk.com - Wales Genealogy Board
Message #51057

Board Name: Wales Genealogy
Barbara Reynolds Wales Jun 04, 2004
I have tried very hard to find the birthdate of my Grandfather. Name David Jones born circa 1875 mon, to John Jones and Elizabeth Parry. David, Married Jane Owen, May/20/1896 Merthyr Tydfil,Lived in Dawlais.I have quite a lot of information on the Owen's,But nothing on the Jones's. David was the eldest had brothers Solomon and George and a sister Lizie Ann. Rumour in the family says that John Jones went to Pensivania U.S.A. circa 1885. Had another family. Got murdered down a pit. Would be pleased to hear from any of my Welsh family or anyone else who could help. Regards Babs Reynolds
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