Lookupuk.com - England Genealogy Board
Message #52782

Board Name: England Genealogy
W. Humphries US Nov 23, 2004

Family papers indicate that three Humphries brothers sailed to this continent from the UK and landed in Virginia around 1624. They have been reported departing from Wales - maybe Ireland. Seems they had to leave England during the reign of the Stuarts. Also, family lore indicates that the Humphries (any spelling) were active in the Crusades and one Ralph Humphries was knighted and our families are descendants of this Sir Ralph. No proof of this but have heard this all my life;mhowever, I cannot attest to this information.

A Thomas Humphries migrated from Virginia into Maryland in the late 1600's and I do have information from another researcher of one Thomas Humhreys born in Maryland in 1685. This is one of my direct ancestors.

Does anyone have any information that may throw light on the migration of the 3 brothers to America? One of the brothers is reputed as going north, one west and one south. Seems this is a statement found in many familes concerning their forebears.

Any information will be appreciated. I have information that the name was spelled Humphreys, Humphris and the spelling my family uses Humphries.

Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from someone soon. I will be glad to share any information I have. I have information back to 1685 on this family. My branch of the family were in Maryland, North Carolina and Georgia.

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