Lookupuk.com - Scotland Genealogy Board
Message #30562

Board Name: Scotland Genealogy
Nita Hebert Baton Rouge, La USA Mar 03, 2002
I just KNOW, that with as little information as I have on my gggrandfather, someone out there is going to tell me all about him!?

I know his name - FRANCIS M. McINTYRE, b: ca 1836, and he had a brother named PHILIP.

Philip and Franz (Francis) settled in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana and Franz' descendants said he "spoke with an accent".

I collect a lot "useless" information and perhaps someone has done the same thing and could have Franz and Philip in their files. A census record said Franz was born in Mississippi and perhaps lived in Texas at one time. The only information I have on him is a couple of census records, a marriage record for Franz and Nancy Sharp. And, of course, their children.

If anyone could help I would be eternally grateful.

Nita Hebert. e-mail: njhjng@hotmail.com
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