Lookupuk.com - England Board
Message #3095

Board Name: England
Peter Smith Kelmscott, WA Australia Jun 06, 1999
I would like to contact a cousin Geoffrey Vann, he was born in Leicester England in the 1940's.
His father was Cyril Francis Vann and mother's name was Lillian.
The details below were sent to me via email but not certain it is the correct Geoffrey Vann.
(He was born Jun qtr 1946 Leicester.
He first marr Margaret A Martin sep qtr 1964 Leicester.
re-marr Paulette harding sep qtr 1970 Southampton.
Margaret A re-marr Peter Cunnington mar qtr 1970 Leicester?
Paulette re-marr Nigel L Hunt dec qtr 1978 Leicester?)

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