Lookupuk.com - England Genealogy Board
Message #50728

Board Name: England Genealogy
Penelope Deib Alberta, Canada May 05, 2004
Beginning to think great grandfather, Thomas Frederick Clarke WILTON, lied about where he was born!! His marriage record and death certificate say he was born in 'Kent County, England', June 1856, but can find no record of his birth. His parents were given as John Robert and Bessie (CLARKE) Wilton, but can find nothing on them either. Thomas was in Canada by 1875 so will not appear in any English census after that date. In Canada he had two families and he told members of each that he was from "a noble family". One descendant had thought he was a Remittenence man. A record was found in Canada where Thomas lists E. Massey of Bleinheim (Ontario or England??)as 'Next of Kin'.
A hired researcher couldn't even find anything on this Wilton family so my chances are likely nil! Really need help!
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