Lookupuk.com - Wales (Adoption Related) Board
Message #53427

Board Name: Wales (Adoption Related)
Keri Oxfordshire Feb 01, 2005
Date of Birth; 27-08-1970.
Place of Adoption; MEADOWCROFT (mother & baby hostel), POPE LANE, PRESTON, LANCASHIRE.
You were born on the above date, then moved with your birth mother to Meadowcroft, which is where you stayed until you were 8 months old.
With no options left and feeling worthless after the mental abuse your mother suffered during her time at Meadowcroft, she gave in and agreed to place you for adoption.
Your birth mother was introduced to your adoptive mother, and was assured that you'd be well looked after and very well educated as your adoptive father was/is a teacher, and was then asked to sign a Pre Adoption Placement form, thus giving permission for you to live with this couple, until the adoption was presented to the courts 6 months later, thus also giving your birth mother 6 months to change her mind, that was in April 1971.
However, by the August 1971 (only 4 months later) your birth mother had met and married my father, so off they both went, to the social services to get you back, but to her horror she was told very nicely that she was too late, the adoption had gone through. You were gone!!
With pen and paper in hand she went outside sat on the kerb and wrote you a 4 paged letter, saying how much she loved you, and that she was sorry she was too late. The letter was handed in to the social services and was to stay there for many years waiting for you to open your files.
A number of questions were asked as it didn't make sense, but no answers were given. Questions that still haunt your birth mother.
(1) Who signed the rest of the adoption papers, as she didn't??
(2) Why was it said, she had 6 months to change her mind, when you were gone after 4??
(3) Why wouldn't they tell her the adoption date, the actual date you became someone else's son??
(4) Why is she denied copies of the forms they reckon she signed(DIDN'T SIGN)??
There's many more questions surrounding your adoption, but it's very hard to get answers, and most of them have been lies!!
There are several women, who attended Meadowcroft in the 70s and have simiular stories to that of your birth mother.
However, I do know that you opened your files in 1995, but there hasn't been any contact from you, so another question is did you or didn't you receive the letter that was left for you??
Your birth mother was told that if the adoption was to go ahead your name would be changed to MARK and you would keep your middle name, that way you'd always have something from your birth mother, but again that doesn't seem to be true, as I know a lady that visits the FRC in London on a regular basis, without an adoption date it's very difficult to find somebody but she has searched every entry for around 1971 and there's NO entry for a MARK WAYNE.
Your Birth mother has never stopped loving you, and the few pictures she has of you are treasured.
All she wants is to know that your well and happy, and that you did have a good upbringing.
With all the secrets surrounding your adoption, your birth mother doesn't really know what happened to you, all she remembers is the last time she saw you, the last cheeky smile you ever gave her, a smile that has been etched on her heart ever since.
We don't want to cause you any disruption, if your reading this and don't wish any contact with your birth family, we'll understand.
All I have left to say is that your birth mother sends you all the love in the world forever & always, and from myself-your little sister, I love you Timothy, god bless you xxx
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